Thursday, August 27, 2020

Communication Today

Numerous individuals have begun taking alternate ways in our advanced world. The human populace is doing all that they can to speed through life. One such easy route is the manner in which society imparts. Despite the fact that out the most recent quite a few years the innovation that has associated varying backgrounds has significantly transformed, it went from verbal exchange to the composed word, to phones and past. Presently messaging and divider postings are types of speaking with loved ones everywhere throughout the world. Many accept that these sorts of systems are devastating our correspondences as a general public. Be that as it may, these systems permit individuals to remain in steady association with numerous individuals immediately, they are advantageous, and safe to utilize. Long range informal communication locales like Facebook, Myspace and numerous others interface individuals to every one of their companions and more distant family individuals at the same time in various manners. One such route is by statuses update which is when individuals state what is on their psyches or what they may be doing that day. Another is posting pictures of pretty much anything with the goal that relatives who in any case wouldn’t see them until a social gathering if at all could see them. Individuals who are not, at this point close to their friends and family advantage the most from these announcements. This continually refreshed type of correspondence is nearly on a par with being with the adored one. With individuals everywhere throughout the world utilizing organizing destinations they have gotten progressively passable, from being accessible at nearby open libraries to the comfort of being primed and ready on an individual mobile phone or other hand held gadgets for nothing out of pocket. The accommodation this has added permits individuals to refresh their sculptures whenever, yet in addition post pictures of what is happening in their every day lives on the detect regardless of where they are from their remote gadgets. This empowers all the loved ones associated with that people page to recognize what is happening in somebody's life who they may not get an opportunity to converse with on a day by day bases. Facebook just as numerous different locales are exceptionally protected to utilize (if the best possible measures are taken) that everybody has begun making pages, from kids in center school as far as possible up to those children grandparents. Such destinations permits the client to set it up their page in any case they need. They give numerous decisions on who is permitted to see that specific page. The choices comprise of hindering the page from each and every individual who isn't on the user’s companions list and not having the option to be found in a hunt, to having a totally open page where anybody can see such the sight as to offer. †¨Most of these sights likewise have limitations to where might be clients are obstructed from utilizing the locales by any means, or with other such insurances Ordinary individuals are turning out to be anxious about the possibility that that our correspondence among loved ones are separating somewhat more consistently. This is essentially false; in certainty it is the inverse in view of how quickly innovation is transforming it permitting us to convey at some random second with every one of our loved ones. With sculptures updates and divider postings readily available we are more associated at some random second now than any other time in recent memory. Locales like Myspace, Facebook, and numerous other are the primary way that individuals in today’s society convey never really face that as a gathering we are speeding through life at twist speed.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Strategic Planning Process

Key Planning †Week 1 Keyla (Bolin, Niu) Keiser University MKT531 Marketing Management Dr. Jeff Ritter 03/09/13 Strategic Planning Process Strategic arranging is alludes to the advancement of the organization’s long haul objectives and set up forward as a regular occurrence (Peter, 2013).Strategic arranging framework is the system, destinations, natural elements, it is a procedure about the interior conditions and different components combination and used to direct the judicious allotment of restricted assets endeavor for a specific timeframe, so as to arrive at the objective of the administration exercises Some enormous venture have specific arrangement for next fifth years. Vital arranging can be discrete to three stages, the initial step is to decide the goal objectives, during the venture improvement, it ought to be address a wide range of difficulties that fruitful accomplish the goal.The second step is to figure the arranging, after trough decide the objective, chief ought to consider what measures can be effectively to process the task, this is the thing that I understannd about key arranging. As indicated by the necessities of the key arranging, the trademark about vital arranging can be summing up by these focuses (Aldehayyat, and Twaissi, 2011): 1. Vital arranging framework set got through the conventional reasoning mode which isn't arranging at present undertaking, yet the objectives are for big business future bearing of arranging and financial.It gives considerably more consideration to how to modify business condition and development. 2. The settings of vital arranging are regularly driven by not many top administration pioneer straightforwardly control. It doesn’t like momentary marketable strategy by a wide scope of numerous individuals to take an interest in. 3. The vital arranging framework is center around the changing the outside condition and development about big business, it included the chance of market opportunity whic h is difficult to control and requires the undertaking have arbitrary and quick reaction. 4.The vital arranging plan can be set with outer condition, business industry structure, client and competitor’s data; notwithstanding, the undertaking chief can comprehend the company’s inside measures through this procedure. 5. Key arranging is a major change plan which is sufficient to alter the venture future course. It is joined with the key business objectives and key focuses that will make the endeavor get far reaching change. The well known managerialist Drucker imagines that the undertaking of top managers’ main goal is to figure and actualize strategy.Through the organization's crucial, thought, to think about the fundamental errand of the administration, is to advanced such an inquiry: our organization is what sort of business? It should reach to what sort of business? To this end, ventures ought to build up their key objective, key and plan, settle on choices fo r what's to come. Obviously, this is really the key arranging process. From western created nations the enormous endeavor, the administration procedure is the structure of the key arrangement system.Is not regularizing framework, obviously, additionally can deliver great methodology? Yet, paying little heed to the way, the detailing of vital arranging framework is interwoven in the procedures for the executives exercises, and the key administration assumes a significant directing job. It causes endeavors at all degrees of staff to have been associated with the procedure. I. e. , the endeavor representatives ought to take an interest in the detailing or execution of the vital arranging framework, it's only them to take part in various level of counteraction is.Each representative in the venture bear the arrangement the laborer jobs simultaneously, likewise has the characters, for example, coordinator and administrator. In this sense, the undertaking key arranging framework plays a co ntinued and facilitated the significant job of key administration and every day business exercises, likewise provoked venture workers to shape a solid union and a feeling of having a place (Robinson, and Pearce, 1988). The powerful choice arrangement of corporate key arranging must beginning with a solid organization.Enterprises in deciding the vital arranging framework, the relating forms must be structured so the review in the undertaking between different offices, just as the relationship between's their exercises and arranging, impact one another and common reliance. By and large talking, because of the recorded advancement of every endeavor, dynamic propensities, considering mode various pioneers, prompted its methodology in defining vital arranging framework is likewise ifferent. The key arranging arrangement of the logical program ought to be resolved dependent on the each company’s real circumstance. Venture brand, family (brand) class and item brand establish the bra nd level, various degrees of brand both identify with one another, and impact one another (Kraus, and Schwarz, 2006). For instance General engines, the endeavor brand, Chevrolet is general engines' family image (brand) classification, and (sail) is the item brand.Gm gives clients the brand affiliation is a U. S. auto mammoth, a worldwide fortune 500 organizations, has a decent notoriety, etc; The Chevrolet brand is probably the biggest brand, gm's worldwide deals volume since presented the main item in 1912, absolute deals has in excess of 100 million vehicles, showcase inclusion to 70 nations, has a record of deals of another vehicle like clockwork. Chevrolet 2004 worldwide deals of more than 3. million units, in the worldwide deals of each 16 another vehicle is a Chevrolet, Chevrolet brand to the client's image affiliation is a solid, realistic, wise and amicable, brimming with imperativeness; And (sail) brand, pass on the separation qualities of the item. The three degrees of bra nd together, can put enough brand messages to clients, and make client to cruise (sail) this has recently set up soon items produce great brand affiliation and brand personality. References Robinson, R. B. ; Pearce, j. A. (1988). Arranged Patterns of Strategic Behavior and Their Relationship to Busi-ness-Unit Performance.Strategic Management Journal, 9, 43-60. Diminish, J. , ; Donnelly, J. (2013). Promoting Management Knowledge and Skills. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Aldehayyat, j. S. ; Twaissi, N. (2011). Key Planning and Corporate Performance Relationship in Small Business Firms: Evidence from a Middle East Country Context. Global Journal of Business and Management, 6 (8), 255-263. Kraus, S. , Harms, R. , ; Schwarz, E. j. (2006). Vital Planning in Smaller Enterprises: New Empirical Findings. The executives Research News, 29 (6), 334-344.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Easy Topics to Write an Informative Essay on

Easy Topics to Write an Informative Essay onAs you study the composition, one of the most difficult topics to write an informative essay on is history. History is fascinating and easy to write about if you can find a way to break down what made the events and people so interesting. As you start writing, the difficulty of the topic will increase. You will also want to make sure that it is something that is completely unique.One of the easiest topics to write an informative essay on sports. Sports are very interesting to write about and will draw in many different readers. However, you will want to be careful not to be overly political or preachy in your writing. Too many things will happen in a game that will not be appealing to a wide audience.However, sports can provide many lessons can help students understand different events. Sports are some of the most educational topics to write about and you can also use the sport as a way to teach certain aspects of life. This is another reas on why they are easy to write about. As you begin to think about different things to write about, you will see how easy it is to make something fun and interesting. This means that the topic is very familiar and you will be able to get a lot of mileage out of the topic.Another of the easiest topics to write an informative essay on is popular culture. As you go through history, you will see that the changes that have been made have been one of the biggest things that have happened. Because of this, the topic of popular culture can be very interesting to discuss. If you make your topic into a lesson, it can provide many lessons to your readers.When discussing historical facts, there are many ways to do this. If you are interested in showing how different people reacted to a change in history, it can be extremely easy to do this. Just by knowing the main things that led to the change, you can make the world of difference. The lesson that you will be teaching will be about how important events in history can affect you and how you can use the lessons to help you make decisions in your life.A very easy topics to write an informative essay on is the military. You can find many different things to write about in a military history. You can also get some great ideas from movies and books. No matter how you break down the history, it can give you a lot of good ideas that you can use to do things in your life.As you study military history, it is important to take a look at some of the key points and teachable moments. You will learn a lot about military tactics by doing this. It is also a great way to learn about the overall history of the military in general.As you read more about topics to write about in your classes, you will begin to learn more about topics to write about in your own essays. It is so easy to break down a topic to its roots and how it all goes together. As you read through the various topics to write about, you will find that they are easy to write a bout and you will be able to create a great topic that is worthwhile to read. Make sure that you look through your different essay topics and find one that is right for you.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Pro euthanasia Free Essay Example, 1000 words

The subject of euthanasia has become of increasing interest as the number of patients who are treated in the hospitals for euthanasia related issues have increased. The patients who mainly visit their physicians for euthanasia suffer from lethal and life hampering pathological conditions that greatly alters the living standards and the quality of life of those individuals. These people wish to end their lives with dignity as the pain and suffering in their life is beyond treatment and beyond their control. Furthermore, if this issue is considered with a different perspective, it can be seen that people who are suffering from fatal conditions require excessive monitoring and they may interfere with the treatment of other patients who suffer from curable diseases. Also, the number of people visiting the hospitals has greatly increased over the years. Thus, if a person consents to and pleads the physician for a dignified death, he should be granted the permission to do so (Quaghebeur e t al 2009). There has been strong opposition against the case of euthanasia by religious as well as ethical groups. According to religious groups, euthanasia is a process of killing someone and it is an unforgiveable act owing to the fact that the master of life and death is god. We will write a custom essay sample on Pro euthanasia or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page It is a subject which is the center of argument for religious, ethical and legal communities. It is a practice whereby the life of an individual is ended by the assistance of the physician owing to the deteriorating medical health of the patient. It is an option for those people who lead lives of dependence and there is no room for improvement in their condition.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Power Ambition and Honor - 810 Words

John Armour Hindman 4th 5/13/10 Power Ambition and Honor The fact is power corrupts, unless one knows how to use it. Everyone has ambition; it is the desire for achievement and the willingness to strive for its attainment. (1) Ambition can give us great things; strength, admiration and respect, but ambition as well as power has the ability to corrupt. Finally, honor, a title given to people who have completed a noble act. But some honorable, powerful and ambitious people go too far and forget about their morals, overrun with self desire. William Shakespeare was a famous playwright who wrote twelve tragedies in his time, two of which are very similar, Julius Caesar and Macbeth. Julius Caesar, a noble, honorable, and trusted man†¦show more content†¦This is proven when Caesar is shocked to see Brutus in the conspiracy against him as he says â€Å"Et, tu Brute? Then fall Caesar!†(Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 1) as Brutus has always been loyal to Caesar. As well as the fact that Brutus selflessly killed his best friend for the g ood of Rome. Macbeth, as well, was an honorable man at the beginning of the play as he was a trusted and loyal thane. This is shown as the king trusts him to come visit him as well as make him not only the thane of Glamis, but the thane of Cawdor, after he has lead a winning battle for the king. This proves that both men are on honorable through the noble acts they have completed The Ambition of both men in the two plays could not have been more different. Brutus did not want power for himself but to keep power away from Caesar. â€Å"It must be by his death; and for my part, I know no personal cause to spurn at him, but for the general.† (Julius Caesar, act II Scene I) Brutus only reason for the murder of Caesar was for the good of the Roman people, not for his own self gain. Macbeth was the opposite, he strived for power at every chance he got, killing anyone who got in his way. First, Macbeth killed Duncan to become king, then Banquo and his son to make sure that they could not become king. Finally, Macbeth killed Macduff’s family while aiming for Macduff, showing that he had let his ambitions completely control him to theShow MoreRelatedAmbition: The Destruction of Shakespeare’s Macbeth Essay1182 Words   |  5 Pagesof this tragedy are power and betrayal. Throughout Macbeth, Shakespeare explores aspects of the human conscience. He p ays particular attention to our sense of right and wrong, innocence and guilt. Once Macbeth has a taste of power he is continually driven by his desire for it. His fear of having his power taken away from him drives him to continue to act ruthlessly in order to eliminate all threats of being found out for his treasonous deeds and to maintain his position of power. Macbeth has manyRead MoreAmbition In Hamlet Essay1048 Words   |  5 Pagesdisplaying remarkable honour and ambition. On the other hand, integrating two complex aspects of an individual’s life can work against any progress within an individual’s want to meet ends with family obligation or political ambition. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the inevitable integration of family honour and political ambition work in benefit to Fortinbras’ and young Hamlet’s desire to avenge his father’s death. Within the fathers of the play, Claudius finds his lack of family honor in the past affecting hisRead MoreCompare and Contrast Brutus and Macbeth1485 Words   |  6 PagesBrutus vs. Macbeth through Power, Ambition, and Honor â€Å"Absolute power corrupts absolutely,† unless one knows how to use it, it shall not corrupt. Everyone has ambitions, a strong desire of achieving great things, and some will do whatever it takes to achieve their goal. Honor is a title one receives through their noble acts; but some honorable and strongly ambitious people may go as far as to give up their noble title to accomplish their purpose. William Shakespeare is a well-known English poetRead MoreAmbition Over Morality. â€Å"Ambition Is One Of The Ungovernable1200 Words   |  5 PagesAmbition Over Morality â€Å"Ambition is one of the ungovernable passions of the human heart. The love of power is insatiable and uncontrollable.†(John Adams) A quote such as this gives great detail to the power ambition truly has. Ambition is without a doubt a key component in Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, that drives Macbeth to the brink of insanity, causes him to kick morality to the side, and commit unfathomable wrongful acts in order to gain power. This is shown through direct verbalization from MacbethRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare1441 Words   |  6 PagesConsequences of Ambition In human nature, ambition is a character trait that is most often associated with heroic, strong-willed individuals. To dare to fulfill one’s deepest desires can be perceived as a wonderful characteristic to acquire, but it can result in both positive and negative consequences. In William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Macbeth, the tragic hero, Macbeth, is portrayed as a victim of his own ambition which leads him to ruins. A well-respected general in the Scottish armyRead More The Nature of Ambition Essay1043 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout history, ambition has been a driving force both for individuals and society. Ambition is an eager and sometimes an exorbitant desire for elevation, honor, power, supremacy or simply the achievement of something. The origin of this word comes from the word â€Å"ambicioun† and explains the yearning for money and wealth or power in general. Ambition is basically an instinct. No matter what background or age you are, you are surely ambitious in any way. This eagerness is not only a drivingRead MoreBlood Imagery in Macbeth Essay1451 Words   |  6 PagesMacbeth is the ultimate story of a fight between the forces of good and evil. It tells the tale of a tragic hero whose quest for power leads to his ultimate downfall. Macbeth starts out as an honorable warrior but changes when his ambition becomes uncontrollable. As he becomes increasingly paranoid, Macbeth uses violent means to eliminate threats to his Scottish throne. As the play progresses, blood continuously plays a part in the events as the murders become more frequent. William ShakespeareRead MoreAmbiguity Equivocation in Macbeth1097 Words   |  5 Pagesand the powers of evil. In the end, he twists the witches words to fit his own purposes, ignoring the possibility that the prophecies might have other, less fortunate meanings (equivocation). This voluntary m isinterpretation, committed in pursuit of power and ambition, leads Macbeth to perform certain actions which result in the death of the king, his own friends, Lady Macbeth s madness and suicide and eventually his own death. From the beginning of the play, Macbeth desires great power. AfterRead MoreFate Vs Free Will In Shakespeares Macbeth1260 Words   |  6 Pagesown free will, dishonorable desires, and ambitions. Although Macbeth’s bloodthirsty spree is incentivized by the witches’ prophetic reports, the witches speak too vaguely and equivocally to be considered at fault for Macbeth’s actions. The prophecies at hand, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter† and â€Å"Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor,† say nothing about seizing the throne through devious schemes or violent acts of regicide. The witches’ power over the situation is limited. They canRead More The Persuasive Antony of William Shakespeares Julius Caesar847 Words   |  4 Pagesthe truth to sway the crowds feelings. When giving his speech, Antony uses his skill as an orator through the use of verbal irony.   Antony tells the Romans that Brutus called Caesar ambitious.   That is only what was said; he was not a man of ambition.   Antony proves this by saying that Caesar turned the crown down and even wept for the poor of Rome.   Brutus is referred to as an honorable man.   Of course this is not true, but Antony uses the statement as verbal irony to sway the peoples minds

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Worlds Reliance on Fossil Fuels Essay - 1371 Words

Fossil Fuels The day was Black Friday. Around the world people are purchasing goods and services that they may or may not need. Many of these goods created take crude oil to produce. The world needs to change its habits to sustain time in the creation of new alternatives to fossil fuels. In my research I found that crude oil or petroleum will only last approximately thirty to forty more years. That means that the clock is ticking and we must find a solution to this major question facing our world. How will the world function without crude oil? I believe our driving habits, consumption of goods, technological research and emphasis on conserving crude oil plus finding a substitute must be addressed now by the world. Oil was not used†¦show more content†¦With the world having a higher dependency on coal, it will likely not last as long as predicted. If the population of the United States wants crude oil to last longer, its going to take men, women and children to contribute to the issue. Making fewer trips to the store, vacation choices closer to home, finding a job closer to your home and so on. One clear solution is for people to drive smaller fuel efficient cars. Hybrids like the Prius are a good example. The Prius may be more pricier than other cars, but in the long run it will save you money on gas (Micheline Maynard). Plus because it is running on electricity part of the time, if not all the time, so it is better for our air quality. Carpooling has and is also a great way to save fuel. Everyday I drive to Northgate by myself. I was able to find three others people at school to carpool with and we could save 75% of the fuel needed each day. Another solution is to ride bikes more often, walk more, or use mass transit like BART whenever possible. Conserving energy at home and in the workplace is also a great solution to savi ng gas. Like putting up solar panels on your roof and using energy efficient appliances like refrigerators and dryers. Better yet, when the weather is warm hang your clothes out to dry. All of theShow MoreRelatedThe world depends heavily on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for energy, and while700 Words   |  3 Pages The world depends heavily on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for energy, and while the worlds population and energy consumption continue to increase, the non-renewable resources we need to produce energy will eventually be depleted. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the supply of oil left in the world will last us twenty five more years. One may say that twenty five years is a long time, and by then new sources of fuel will surely have replaced the nonrenewableRead MoreThere Are Multiple Threats By The Earth s Environment By Brian Parham1386 Words   |  6 Pagesenvironmental argument leads to an strong article. Second, Parham s argument about Earth s environment shows effective uses of pathos, leading to a powerful overall argument. Parham first uses pathos when discussing many countries’ over-reliance on fossil fuels and the fossil fuels’ effects. Parham mentions in his article â€Å"There are Multiple Threats to the Earth’s Environment† that concerning carbon dioxide emissions today, the United States is public enemy number two, behind China† (Parham). Overall, Parham’sRead MoreAlternative Energy Sources Of Fossil Fuels1701 Words   |  7 Pages the world has run on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are critical to global energy infrastructure due to their inherent advantages and generate significant economic value as a result. However, the negative economic and environmental implications of fossil fuels demands a permanent transition towards alternative energy. The world will continue to investigate alternative energy sources and must commit to them to avoid long-term environmental degradation. Ultimately, fossil fuels are on the way out, butRead MoreAlternative Energy And Renewable Energy1668 Words   |  7 Pagesevery facet of our daily lives. Due to this, we overlook several negative effects our traditional use of fossil fuels have caused. Fossil fuels are fuel deposits that were formed hundreds of millions of years ago, which is where the term fossil fuels come from. The two most common fossil fuels currently in use are coal and oil, which power the majority of our infrastructure. However, fossil fuels are known to have some drawbacks which is where projects for alternative energy come into play. AlternativeRead MoreRenewable Resources1344 Words   |  6 PagesNovember 2008 Renewable Resources Has the time come for the world to give up on what it’s relied on the most, fossil fuels? â€Å"Oil fuels the modern world. No other substance can equal the enormous impact which the use of oil has had on so many people, so rapidly, in so many ways, and in so many places around the world† (Duplar 1). There are facts showing that fossil fuels are damaging the environment, people’s health, and even our own wallets. People say that we need to go green, and findRead MoreEssay on Unconditional Planetary Love1049 Words   |  5 Pagesatmosphere has been exposed to many man-made products and pollutants, and has incurred detrimental effects in return. The ozone layer is suffering severe damage from the gasses that are emitted from cars, factories, aerosol sprays and much more. â€Å"Fossil fuels are the single largest of atmospheric pollution; when burnt, they release in the air particle matter, carbon monoxide and dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, and me tal compounds† (Our Planet). There are many things that can be done, to reduceRead MoreThe Case For Decentralized Generation Of Electricity983 Words   |  4 Pagessummarize how a new power generation has been built over the past 30 years under given circumstances of technology that was available at the time, the cost of technology and fuel prices, and conclusion of their ideas. From 1910 to 1960, electricity was originally produced by either using hydroelectric dams or burning fossil fuels in order to deliver power to cities and buildings. But those methods proved to be destructive to the environment because of the huge amount of pollution that it created. PowerRead MoreSaving the Planet, One Panel and Turbine at a Time Essay1102 Words   |  5 PagesFossil fuels are starting to be a problem and are slowly killing the Earth. We have other sources which we can use to solve our problems. â€Å"Wind and sunshine are clean, emitting neither the pollutants that cause smog nor the carbon dioxide that contributes to climate change†(Ball n.p.). Renewable energy should replace fossil fuels, because they are cleaner, they have been already working, and they are helping Africa. Renewable energy should replace fossil fuels because they are cleaner. Fossil fuelsRead MoreThe Problem For Electric Alternatives1323 Words   |  6 Pagesfor electric alternatives is one of the largest issues preventing it from becoming a star. A 200 mile range allows for plenty of driving, but consumers are weary to transition due to the perceived lack of infrastructure. Another alternative to fossil fuel comes in the form of natural gas. The scientific journal labeled A Natural State, extrapolates on natural gas’ utilization in mass transit vehicles, but also describes the natural gas alternative for consumers. Natural gas powered vehicles makeRead More National Energy Plan Essay1338 Words   |  6 PagesEnergy Conservation, Research, and Development Act of 2003 passed the House of Representatives 246-180. It goal is to conduct a balanced, long-term research effort in the areas of Buildings, Industry, FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies and Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure. Grants will be offered to develop and transfer various energy conservation technologies to the nonfederal sector. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Some examples of funded projects Grants have been awarded to perform: (1) Research

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

IQ Testing Essay Example For Students

IQ Testing Essay Many times in our society intelligence is judged by test scores, careers, andsuccess. Although these methods of measuring intelligence are not alwaysaccurate they are still used. IQ tests are given to people and the scores onthese tests are supposed to reflect the level of intelligence a person has. Whatmakes these tests so accurate? What about intelligent people who do not taketests well? They may become nervous and may not work well under pressure. Ibelieve there are many forms of intelligence, some more important than othersare. A person may be very smart but when it comes to subjects like math andscience, but when it comes to English and writing they may not know much aboutit. Also, some people may not do very well in school but can fix almost anythingthat you put in front of them. Often times those who are smart in school subjectlack the common sense needed to survive outside of work or school although thatis not always the case. Others who may very intelligent when it comes to commonsense and making the right decision on the street lack the wisdom need in schoolor work. This is a critical part of survival and I believe common sense isneeded just as much as anything else. There are those people who are naturallysmart, who grasp concepts well, and do not need to study much at all to do well. There are others who need to work hard to do well. They need to study andconcepts do not come as easily to them as others. Are they not consideredintelligent because of this? Also many people may be very intelligent yet theyare either lazy or uninterested, therefore their natural mental ability never isshown. Many cultures have their own opinion of intelligence. If you are born andbrought up as an Indian, to them intelligence comes with age and strength. Ifyou can hunt well and survive on you own then you are considered intelligent,you are not given a written test and judged buy the scores. Many other culturesalso have their own definition of intelligence too. Social status also has avery big impact on people perspective of your intelligence. Upper to middleclass people not only have a better chance of getting a good education, but arethought of as more intelligent because they have money. Lower-middle to lowerclass people do not have all the opportunities that the others do and are alsoperceived as unintelligent because of their lack of money and thoseopportunities. Judging people on their level of intelligence, mental ability,and level of success through tests and careers gives you a very poor judge ofcharacter. I do not agree that intelligence can be measured at all. To me it isnot only how smart you are, but also your attitude, who you are as a person, andthe decisions you make in life. Your intelligence should not only be gradedthrough a test but rather on how you live your life.