Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Worlds Reliance on Fossil Fuels Essay - 1371 Words

Fossil Fuels The day was Black Friday. Around the world people are purchasing goods and services that they may or may not need. Many of these goods created take crude oil to produce. The world needs to change its habits to sustain time in the creation of new alternatives to fossil fuels. In my research I found that crude oil or petroleum will only last approximately thirty to forty more years. That means that the clock is ticking and we must find a solution to this major question facing our world. How will the world function without crude oil? I believe our driving habits, consumption of goods, technological research and emphasis on conserving crude oil plus finding a substitute must be addressed now by the world. Oil was not used†¦show more content†¦With the world having a higher dependency on coal, it will likely not last as long as predicted. If the population of the United States wants crude oil to last longer, its going to take men, women and children to contribute to the issue. Making fewer trips to the store, vacation choices closer to home, finding a job closer to your home and so on. One clear solution is for people to drive smaller fuel efficient cars. Hybrids like the Prius are a good example. The Prius may be more pricier than other cars, but in the long run it will save you money on gas (Micheline Maynard). Plus because it is running on electricity part of the time, if not all the time, so it is better for our air quality. Carpooling has and is also a great way to save fuel. Everyday I drive to Northgate by myself. I was able to find three others people at school to carpool with and we could save 75% of the fuel needed each day. Another solution is to ride bikes more often, walk more, or use mass transit like BART whenever possible. Conserving energy at home and in the workplace is also a great solution to savi ng gas. Like putting up solar panels on your roof and using energy efficient appliances like refrigerators and dryers. Better yet, when the weather is warm hang your clothes out to dry. All of theShow MoreRelatedThe world depends heavily on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for energy, and while700 Words   |  3 Pages The world depends heavily on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas for energy, and while the worlds population and energy consumption continue to increase, the non-renewable resources we need to produce energy will eventually be depleted. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the supply of oil left in the world will last us twenty five more years. One may say that twenty five years is a long time, and by then new sources of fuel will surely have replaced the nonrenewableRead MoreThere Are Multiple Threats By The Earth s Environment By Brian Parham1386 Words   |  6 Pagesenvironmental argument leads to an strong article. Second, Parham s argument about Earth s environment shows effective uses of pathos, leading to a powerful overall argument. 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